Sunday, June 2, 2013

Future Aspirations

This letter has been written about 2 years previous to you receiving it. If you are reading this then you have made it passed the beginning struggles of life. By this time you have graduated high school and are on your way to making life changing decisions. You may not remember the reasons behind you writing this letter to yourself but by the end of this letter it should all be somewhat clear to you.

In life there will be many challenges blocking you from your life’s goal. You have to be strong in your journey towards your life goal of becoming an anesthesiologist. There may be people who will try and sway you from this goal but you cannot let them deter you or it is your determination and yours alone that will bring you closer to your destiny.

College will be very hard for you with your major but I want to encourage you to focus because this will get you one step closer each year you pass. I hope your keep the dedication to learning you have now. Keep in mind the struggles early college has out you through and how you overcame them and apply it 2 years later. Good luck and do not let me down.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Love and Compassion

The world is nothing without love and compassion. Love show people that they have someone who cares about them and makes them feel like they are not alone. Compassion shows people that even though they make  a mistake or are a certain way that they cannot help, it is OK. Take for instance a child who knocks over his mother's vase because he was playing in the room she told him not to play in. The mom may get mad and punish him but without love and compassion the punishment would have been far worse because there would have been nothing to hold back her anger.Without these thing the world would be full of hate, blame, and self loath for all the things people have no control over themselves.

Friday, April 26, 2013


     whenever I come across a situation that tenEs to baffle me about a heavy subject, i tend to wonder whos fault it is. Although I may not always be the one to blame, its only human nature to feel some subconsciencousness about the situaion. Overall i believe that whomever initiates the problem, weather innocent ir not, they're responsible for what happened. I see no justice in falling for such a blame that i may  be innocent of, when i am just a bystandard. The only way that I would take partial responsibility is if i were to help someone do something wrong.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Projects Projects Projects..

There was once a project I spent a great deal of time and effort on. It was a physical science project. We were assigned the task of creating the Bohr model of the atom for a specific atom we drew from a "hat". I got the element Rubidium which was not that hard because it was lower considering the people who got 99 and such. As soon as my teacher announced we had the project and were to make it about us, I already knew what it was that I was going to do. I was going to make the protons and electrons out of M&M's that were painted with two different-color nail polishes, the electrons were going to be made out of Nerds candy and the electron's shells were going to be made out of foil and wire hanger. As soon as I started the project I realized it was going to be a lot harder than I first thought. I faced problems such as the super glue was not strong enough to hold things together, and the electrons and neutrons kept getting lost, and I ran out of foil 3 times. Then after I got everything as good as I was going to get it, the stand kept kept breaking. That happened two me twice. Once at home and once on presentation day. After I fixed it I ended up getting an A. If I had to do that all over again I would choose a different, more simple way because it was not worth the labor or the times spent; 5 weeks.

Friday, April 12, 2013

A Journey Into the Unknown

Through out the years people have continuously explored the unknown. These people include Thomas Edison in his invention of the light bulb , The Wright Brothers in their invention of the classic "Flying Machine", slaves as they traveled from all the knew; slavery, to the North to find freedom and so many others. I feel people devote their lives to this and the discovery of the unknown because they are either simply curious, they would, like to know why things work the way they do, or they are looking for something better than they have. These discoveries often lead to sacrifice. Some of these sacrifices could include loneliness because either the person has a family and they have to be left behind for the succession of their dreams, or the person never had a family or a companion and they have to continue life this way because they are too busy to do otherwise. Other sacrifices include time and frustration. Just like with Edison and his light bulb ,discoveries take time and many failures. Edison failed more than 1,00 times and i personally know that when failure is evident so is frustration. Quite a few things contribute to the study and discovery of the unknown and without these hardships we would not have the amenities we do today and i am grateful for that.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

To Deceive or Not Deceive.....

If there was an extreme situation would I tell the truth or lie. I honestly have to say I would tell the truth. This is because it is always better to tell the truth about things than lie and have people know you lie. This would make me non trust worthy if I were to lie about something no matter the situation. Say the situation was my friends and I had went to the store and the shop lifted after I left. Say the police saw my face on the screen, saw I took nothing, and decided to ask me did I know where the other people I were with lived. Say I lied. Yes i would keep my friends and they would not get in trouble but say the cops saw me go to their house one day. Then I would get into trouble and lose something as serious as my freedom for lying to the cops. Now say we are in the same situation and I tell the truth. I would lose my friends for "snitching" on them but I would feel better about myself and keep my freedom for telling the truth. I would also feel guilt though for telling on them but honestly I oiled feel less guilty than if I had lied for them. I feel no matter what the situation is and no matter who is involved whether it be friends, family, or even pets, that we should do what is right and tell the truth.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


 School brings people together or drives them apart, especially in high school.  For the first 18 years of your life at least, school is a very big, mandatory part of your life In life people have academic struggles, accomplishments, and aspirations; I, myself, am not excluded from the many that undergo this. This is all apart of life and school.

In my academic career I have had academic accomplishments. One of those accomplishments is maintaining a 3.2 grade point average. That may not seem like anything big but through out the years I have faced many challenges that prevented me from maintaining the grades I want to have. Another accomplishment I have achieved is finishing homework before it was due. Usually it is hard for me to even finish it let alone early so this is why it is such a great accomplishment for me. It feels good to know that I had not procrastinated to do my work. Last but not least my biggest accomplishment yet is getting accepted in the Lorain County Alliance of Black School Educators (LCABSE). I received this award for getting honor roll my first quarter. I am so proud of this because it was a defining moment for me in my career seeing as my whole entire freshman year I received nothing more than merit role. I am hoping I keep this up In the future. Without a doubt, with accomplishments comes hard times.

Along with academic accomplishments come academic struggles. This, I have a strong knowledge about. An academic challenge that has been very hard to overcome is getting and keeping good grades. This has been a problem since the 6th grade where I received my first D in Social Studies. This was probably the worst day of my life being as I strive to get good grades. They have not been as bad since that thought and I would not like to go back to that either. A second reason for academic struggles and also for my lack of good grades is my not finishing homework assignments. Last but not least another big thing that was holding me back was the fact that I did not know how to study and did not understand the importance of even attempting. That is when I got into early college and things like tests got harder and studying was mandatory even to get as low of a grade as a C. that was my biggest struggle that I have overcome with the teachers help of drilling that need into our brains. For these reasons I strive to be better.

The accomplishments and struggles brought about the thought of things that I aspire to work on to be better in my career as a student. A big goal of mine that will help in things ranging from non-school related topics to school related topics is to stop procrastinating. I have gotten so bad with it that I do not even know when I am doing it any more. One minute I am doing my work and then the next I am singing or pretending to be in a concert or something along those lines. This is the reason that most of my academic struggles occurred. A second aspiration is to actually learn how to study and only focus on that. Third would be to finish high school with a GPA that is higher than a 3.2. This is probably my biggest aspiration because I want the ability to be accepted into any college without having to worry about grades as an issue. I know that if I achieve this than I would be extremely proud of myself and there could not be anything more that I would want of myself as a short term goal.

With goals and accomplishments come struggles and I have faced just about every one possible in my academic career. I had to learn to be very tenacious and understand of my ways and how to change them to better my opportunities. This was a hard lesson for me to learn and I am still not done learning it. I have been prosperous thus far with hard work and dedication and I believe anyone could be just like me if they stay strong and believe in themselves.